Channel: Zaty Farhani
Category: Music
Tags: hamtaro gasakpop songscolor codedhangulcover투모로우바이투게더translationstrust fund babykpop lyricsgasazaty farhaniaudio네 번째 손가락 위 타투lyricsmusic videoromanizedmvkoreancolor coded lyricslonely boytxtkoreakpopgood boy gone badeng subshowcase가사easy lyricsthursday's child has far to goopening sequence
Description: By - Zaty Farhani Translation by ZF Team (enubireal) Thanks for watching! Please LIKE and SHARE this video! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE our channel. ⓒ All Rights Reserved HYBE LABELS We do not own the MUSIC. All rights reserved to the original owner. [This for entertainment purpose only!] thursday's child has far to go txt thursday's child has far to go txt thursday's child has far to go lyrics txt thursday's child has far to go color coded lyrics txt thursday's child has far to go audio txt thursday's child has far to go live txt thursday's child has far to go concert txt thursday's child has far to go music video txt thursday's child has far to go teaser txt thursday's child has far to go line distribution txt thursday's child has far to go cover txt thursday's child has far to go reaction txt thursday's child has far to go 1 hour txt thursday's child has far to go easy lyrics txt lyrics txt good boy gone bad lyrics txt opening sequence lyrics txt trust fund baby lyrics txt lonely boy lyrics txt thursday's child has far to go lyrics #minisode2 #Thursdays_Child #GOOD_BOY_GONE_BAD 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💕 AFFILIATE LINKS 💕 Use code "ZatyFarhani" for 10% off on Cokodive: